Worrying attitudes to the branding of the D language

Brad Anderson via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jul 3 08:59:40 PDT 2014

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 11:40:34 UTC, Alix Pexton wrote:
> I agree!
> I started working on this little document last night while 
> angry and tired, maybe it should find its way to the wiki.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sb4xnZUbzVRIicsfnxBFhTvRH4EOYq88wZexAuGcnaE/edit
> Its the last time I'm going to post any work related to D 
> branding or logo design unless someone specifically asks me to.
> A...

This is a great start.

> It should also be used as a splash screen when the compiler is 
> installed via the installer program, which should also 
> associate the .d and .di extensions used by d with an icon 
> based on the logo.

Jordi just did this for Debian just the other day. I'll find some 
time to do it on Windows (and incorporate some features Jordi 
asked me to add a long time ago). I won't add a splash screen but 
I'll update the header graphics to match whatever the branding 
guide says.

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