Using D

Chris via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jul 11 11:13:51 PDT 2014

On Friday, 11 July 2014 at 17:54:38 UTC, Israel Rodriguez wrote:
> On Friday, 11 July 2014 at 15:30:18 UTC, Chris wrote:
> Let's not
>> forget that zeolots and professional posters will always point 
>> out the flaws of D, and blow them out of proportion. "D 
>> doesn't have xyz, so it's shit!" Divide et impera (divide and 
>> rule).
> Lol, this one made me laugh.
> It is true though. I have only been keeping up with D for like 
> the last year or so and have found that its missing many things 
> that i would like it to do by itself, without the help of 
> C/C++. Multimedia and graphics for example.

> D ALWAYS has to rely on C/C++ libraries for this. OpenGL is an 
> exception because...well...every OS out there has OpenGL...

Why reinvent the wheel, when D can interface to the wheel. A lot 
of things are programmed in C/C++. Other languages use modules 
(Python, Java) to access existing C libraries. D can do it 
straight away. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me. I 
depend on C libraries not because I use D, but because the 
libraries are useful and well established / tested / sound.

> Apart from that GC is a concern to many. I can see why GC would 
> not be needed for a systems language but i see D primarily as a 
> General Software Programming language where GC is most needed.

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