D logo copyright

Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jul 16 01:17:04 PDT 2014

Am 16.07.2014 10:12, schrieb Sönke Ludwig:
> Am 15.07.2014 13:13, schrieb Alix Pexton:
>> I've been researching what is necessary to transfer the copyright of the
>> D logo to Digital Mars, which is complicated by international issues.
>> It seems that the term "copyright" is often aliased to the German
>> "Deutsches Urheberrecht" which is what we call the "moral rights of the
>> author" in the UK.
>> This is something very different from copyright as it is inalienable
>> from the originating creator and not something that can be transferred
>> other that by inheritance.
>> This makes me wonder if previous attempts to negotiate a new copyright
>> for the logo have gone unanswered because the terminology used has lost
>> something in translation.
>> Do any of our native German D users know what the right terminology for
>> the international concept of "copyright" is?
>> European copyright law is something that is currently being debated for
>> unification and there is no actual legislation in place so any
>> negotiations regarding the logo have to be conducted based on the common
>> ground between German and U.S. laws.
>> A...
> As far as I know, this is the "Verwertungsrecht" (roughly the right to
> distribute) and the "Nutzungsrecht" (the right to use). Both can be
> granted to third parties using a proper license, or using a work contract.
> I think what we need here isn't really a change of the ownership, but
> rather a proper license, either a liberal public license (e.g. some CC
> variant), or a personal license for Walter that grants him all rights to
> use, distribute and relicense the logo.
> Having said that, I'm pretty sure that he can still transfer the
> "copyright" according to U.S. laws to another person. It's just that he
> could then possibly still sue the person according to German laws. So a
> license would probably be the best bet.
> Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, so this is just my limited personal
> understanding of the matter.

BTW, the shape of the logo itself isn't covered by either copyright, or 
"Urheberrecht", AFAIK. That's what trademarks are for. So a full redo of 
the logo should be unaffected by the original work. Of course it would 
still be fair to properly negotiate with the original author...

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