What Programming Book Should I Read Next?

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Jul 27 00:13:09 PDT 2014

On Saturday, 26 July 2014 at 23:42:33 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> Maybe this is arrogant or whatever, but my view is that I'm 
> kinda maxed out as a programmer. Sure, there's a handful of 
> specific things (like framework method names) I don't know and 
> some concepts I don't know the names of, but as for like 
> revolutionary new lessons, I don't think I've actually learned 
> anything like that directly related to programming for a pretty 
> long time.

Really? I've realized a long time ago that there is more to learn 
than can possibly be internalized. Now, books that label 
themselves as programming books are not the best source. You need 
more narrow sources.

Even a narrow field as computer graphics is way too big to master 
fully. Then you have logic programming languages / database 
engines, constraints programming, term rewriting, concurrency, 
verifiable programming, a plethora of event based programming 
paradigms, AI...

And then you can move on to philosophies of different types of 
modelling, semantics etc.

Even in basic web pogramming things are getting complex: 
efficient scalable modelling on nosql databases, how to get the 
best split between server client on modern browsers, how to 
utilize the various engines in the browser...

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