Make std.container.Array an output range
monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Thu Jun 5 09:29:08 PDT 2014
On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 16:21:21 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
> Well, one issue is that for a "Range", "put" really just means
> overwrite the front element, and pop it. So...
> Array!int myArray = ...:
> copy([1, 2, 3], myArray); //(1)
> copy([1, 2, 3], myArray[]); //(2)
> In this situation, (1) and (2) would have different meaning.
Just to clarify, I think that means that MAKING Array an output
range is a bad idea, for the same reasons that vector is not an
output iterator.
That said, having an explicit OutputRange adapator:
struct BackInserter(Container)
Container* c;
void put(T)(ref T t)
auto backInserter(Container)(ref Container c)
return BackInserter!Container(&c);
There: Clear and un-ambiguous.
>> Should I file an enhancement request or is there something
>> fundamentally wrong with this idea? For Array it should be as
>> simple as adding
>> alias doPut = insertBack;
doPut is not a range primitive. Implementing "doPut" on your
container should have no effect. If it does, it is a bug and will
*quickly* be fixed. Don't count on it working.
The correct primitive is "put".
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