Digital Mars purchase trouble?

K.K. via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 6 10:33:02 PDT 2014

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 16:52:50 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:32:58 +0000
> "K.K. via Digitalmars-d" <digitalmars-d at> wrote:
>> Actually, Walter emailed me last night and sorted it out. 
>> Though,
>> I still don't really know what happened with the order 
>> process...
>> Maybe it was just bad luck?
> Well, while it may arguably be bad luck which causes you to hit 
> a particular
> bug, it's not like bad luck causes bugs. There had to be a 
> concrete problem
> which made it not work for you.
> - Jonathan M Davis

I wouldn't argue that. It's just my luck to be the one to hit it
first. :P

Being that I know very little about web development and the like,
I can't really offer any constructive opinions regarding this :\

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