For Chuck Allison: possible homework in D
Chris via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Mon Jun 9 02:19:42 PDT 2014
On Saturday, 7 June 2014 at 06:48:39 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> I was watching Chuck Allison talk yesterday, and wondered what
> could be a possible homework in D. Maybe other people here have
> some ideas, maybe Bearophile will point to RosettaCode, I don't
> know. But here is a possible idea:
> Trees.
> Since you taught them about ranges/lists and functional
> mapping/filtering/folding on them, maybe an opening towards
> trees could be interesting. Trees are present everywhere as a
> structure: documents, initialization files, even source code.
> Defining a generic, polymorphic, tree node is easy in D:
> struct Tree(T)
> {
> T value;
> Tree[] children;
> }
> There. Not much more complicated than T[], right?
> Have them play with factory functions, assembling trees
> together and so on. Writing a way to print a tree on the
> console is also fun.
> Then, show them how to map a function on a tree, to get a
> different tree with the same shape:
> Tree!int tree1 = ...
> Tree!string tree2 = treeMap!((int i)=> to!string(i))(tree1);
> Then, ask them why there is no (easy) way to filter a tree :)
> And, reduce. Reducing a tree is very powerful. Getting its
> height, the number of nodes. Show to them that the printing
> function they wrote to get trees on screen is in fact a reduce.
> And now for the fun part, what could be a real assignment (is
> that the US word?): encode a document as a tree.
> Maybe like this:
> enum MarkUp { text, title, section, emphasis, ... }
> struct DocNode
> {
> MarkUp nodeType;
> string content;
> DocNode[] children;
> }
> So a doc is a root node, probably a section, containing other
> subsection, and so on.
> And the assignment is: write different functions to output the
> tree content as HTML, XML, DocBook, LaTex, Wikipedia mark-up or
> markdown. Of course, that should use map/reduce :) Outputting
> something that can be seen on their browser should interest
> them.
> Of course, if at this stage they already know parsing (from the
> compiler course), they can also create the tree by parsing an
> input text in a simple markup language, and then converting
> into another format, all of that using D. But maybe that's too
> complicated?
> Thoughts? Do other people here have homework ideas?
I did that for a project at work. A generic tree with specific
DOM implementation. It's a simple concept, yet interesting,
especially when you get a chance to eliminate JS's shortcomings.
I split it up though. I have a generic Tree(T) that takes child
nodes of various types like this:
struct / class Element(T) {
T name;
T[T] attributes;
// ...
string toString() {
return ...;
So each element manages / can look at its own data, and the
Tree(T) is just an interface that manages these elements and
exposes methods like "getElementsByTagName" etc. I don't know, if
this the best approach but it works fine for me atm.
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