Compilation Time

Mattcoder via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Jun 10 11:12:36 PDT 2014

There is an article on reddit:

Which is making some noise there, and one thing that called my 
attention was about the compilation time, back then (90's) it 
could consume a considerable amount of time, and according an 
interview with one of developers:

"    : What fraction of the development time was spent 
waiting on the C++ compiler?
Seamus Blackley : It felt like 103%

Currently the same 1998/99 C++ code takes around 10 minutes to 
compile on pretty new compilers.

I'm pointing out this game, but this could be generalized for any 
project. The fact is, it could be nice to take a medium/large 
project and see how faster the D compiler is against the others.

Finally my question is: Wouldn't be relevant and a good 
advertisement try to port a code like this to D and compare the 
times? Because one of the strenghts of D it's the fast 
compilation time, right?


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