Adding the ?. null verification

Lionello Lunesu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Jun 18 08:59:25 PDT 2014

On 18/06/14 23:42, Etienne wrote:
> I find myself often repeating this boilerplate:
> if (obj.member !is null)
> {
>      if (obj.member.nested !is null)
>      {
>          if (obj.member.nested.val !is null)
>          {
>              writeln(obj.member.nested.val);
>          }
>      }
> }
> I have to admit it's a little frustrating when you see swift's ?. syntax
> notation, it would be a little more practical to be able to write
> writeln(obj.member?.nested?.val);
> Based on
> Any thoughts?

I want non-null in the type system! To put a nullable reference into a 
non-null variable you need to check first, but from then on the compiler 
can ensure it's never null!

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