A Perspective on D from game industry
Joakim via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 18 14:39:06 PDT 2014
On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 at 22:24:06 UTC, c0de517e wrote:
> Visualization would be a great tool, it's quite surprising if
> you think about it that we can't in any mainstream debugger
> just graph over time the state of objects, create UIs and so on.
> I recently did write a tiny program that does live inspection
> of memory areas as bitmaps, I needed that to debug image
> algorithms so it's quite specialized... but once you do stuff
> like that it comes natural to think that we should have the
> ability of scripting visualizers in debuggers and have them
> update continuously in runtime
> http://c0de517e.blogspot.ca/2013/05/peeknpoke.html
Man, I expressed similar thoughts years ago. Software pumps data
in, operates on it, and pumps new data out: why don't we have
proper visualization tools for those data flows? Only being able
to freeze program state and inspect it at repeated snapshots in
time with a debugger is so backwards: it's like we're still stuck
in the '80s.
Then, right after I see you mention it too, I happen to run
across a recent lldb frontend for OSX/iOS- he gave up on Android
;) - that does exactly that:
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