When is the new version of dub released?

Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jun 21 12:21:04 PDT 2014

Am 21.06.2014 12:04, schrieb Gary Willoughby:
> When is the new version of dub released? I need to use features only
> found in the latest release and i don't want me or others to use a beta
> version.
> P.S. The dub forums are broken, i get a 500 error posting there.

Most of the issues are resolved now. I'll try to get either a final 
beta, or a RC-1 out in the coming days.

The DUB forums had some issues with the spam detector today and 
yesterday. Not sure what has been the case, but spam went through and 
valid messages were rejected. I've manually activated your message.

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