Optimizing Java using D

Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 23 08:16:51 PDT 2014

On Sun, 22 Jun 2014 13:33:55 -0400, Nick Sabalausky  
<SeeWebsiteToContactMe at semitwist.com> wrote:

> On 6/21/2014 1:40 AM, Tofu Ninja wrote:
>> On another note, if someArray.sort() calls the built in sort even when
>> std.algorithm is imported, then most definitely built in sort needs to
>> go, I can see plenty of times where people would not even realize they
>> were calling the wrong sort or even that there was an error in their  
>> code.
> If there's any lingering reasons why built-in sort might still need to  
> exist (I wouldn't know), then maybe it could get moved into object.d  
> (perhaps by internally being renamed ex. __sort, with a "sort" wrapper  
> in object.d?). That way it should at least trigger a conflict with  
> std.algorithm.sort instead of shadowing it.

The only thing I can think of that won't work is sorting an array of char  
or wchar, which std.algorithm.sort will not do (right?).


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