Stable topN?
Xinok via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Jun 24 11:50:49 PDT 2014
On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 16:03:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> On 6/23/14, 3:47 PM, Xinok wrote:
>> I've managed to build a small laundry list the past couple
>> days, so why
>> not add another item? I've been tasked with implementing a
>> "deterministic topN", but I also noticed that topN is lacking
>> a stable
>> implementation, so this seemed like an ideal opportunity to
>> kill two
>> birds with one stone. However, for me, it begged the question:
>> What exactly does stable topN imply?
>> A stable sort only implies that equal elements retain their
>> original
>> order. However, topN is a partitioning function whose pivot is
>> unknown
>> beforehand. To me, it would make more sense that not just
>> equal elements
>> but ALL elements retain their original order in their
>> respective
>> partitions.
>> However, to accomplish the above, the Nth element would need
>> to be
>> discovered before any other elements are reordered. This
>> suggests making
>> a full copy of the range to search for the Nth element. The
>> unstable
>> topN could be applied to the copy to discover the Nth element,
>> then the
>> stable partition function could finish the job with the
>> correct pivot.
>> What do you all think? Do you agree with my definition of
>> stable topN?
>> Do you know of a better algorithm/approach for implementing
>> this function?
> There's a notion of "semiStable" in std.algorithm that you may
> use for further refining topN guarantees.
> I'd say use semiStable for stability among the top N items
> (seeing as those are the most interesting), and stable for
> stability of all items.
> Andrei
From what I know of partitioning algorithms, they're either
intrinsically stable or intrinsically unstable. Implementing an
algorithm with the attribute you described would likely come with
little benefit. I could be wrong, but this is my intuition.
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