Few recent dmd pull requests

bearophile via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jun 26 03:38:53 PDT 2014

For people that are not following closely what's happening in 
GitHub, there are some nice or very nice patches waiting to be 
fixed and/or accepted, among the last ones:


This proposes a __traits(documentation, expr):

Something similar is used in Python and Lisp, it allows to 
introspect the comments. It's useful for various generative 

One quirk of this implementation, that I am not sure about:

>Comments will only be available if DMD is invoked with the "-D" 
>flag. If no comment is available for expr, __traits(comment, 
>expr) evaluates to the empty string.<


Optional monitors for class instances, including a fallback:

It was discussed in this newsgroup too. Beside the little save in 
memory (probably small), monitors today are not much appreciated. 
Andrei seemed to agree with this idea.



Will allow very handy, more DRY and less bug-prone like this:

// static array type
int[$]   a1 = [1,2];    // int[2]
auto[$]  a2 = [3,4,5];  // int[3]
const[$] a3 = [6,7,8];  // const(int[3])

// dynamic array type
immutable[] a4 = [1,2];    // immutable(int)[]
shared[]    a5 = [3,4,5];  // shared(int)[]
// partially specified part is unqualified.

// pointer type
auto*  p1 = new int(3);  // int*
const* p2 = new int(3);  // const(int)*

// mixing
auto[][$] x1 = [[1,2,3],[4,5]];  // int[][2]
shared*[$] x2 = [new int(1), new int(2)];  // shared(int)*[2]

A comment by Walter:

>My reservation on this is I keep thinking there must be a better 
>way than [$].<



Allows to write code like:

void main() {
     import std.algorithm;
     alias sqr = a => a ^^ 2;
     auto r = [1, 2, 3].map!sqr;

Currently you need to write:

alias F(alias f) = f;
void main() {
     import std.algorithm;
     alias sqr = F!(a => a ^^ 2);
     auto r = [1, 2, 3].map!sqr;



This introduces __traits(valueRange, expr), and I think it 
introduces range values to the ?: expressions too.

The __traits(valueRange, expr) is meant to be useful for 
debugging range values, that is meant to be improved in future. 
Currently this patch seems stalled because Lionello seems to not 
provide few small things Walter has asked.



It should fix this bug:

void main() {
     int[int][int] a1 = cast()[1: [2: 3]]; // workaround
     int[int][int] a2 =       [1: [2: 3]]; // error

And will allow you to write:

void main() {
     import std.bigint;
     BigInt[] data = [-5, 6, 9];

Currently in D you have write this:

void main() {
     import std.bigint;
     auto data = [BigInt(-5), BigInt(6), BigInt(9)];

Or this (writing -5.BigInt is generally not a good idea):

void main() {
     import std.bigint;
     auto data = [BigInt(-5), 6.BigInt, 9.BigInt];



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