Sierra, a SIMD extension for C++
bearophileHUGS at
Tue Mar 4 16:17:44 PST 2014
An interesting paper:
Recently Andrei in a post has written that in D "we have an
almost working X, an almost working Y, etc". Thinking more about
this I agree that while implementing the simplest possible idea
has large engineering advantages (and I have learnt a lot from
this part of the D design by Walter), it's also true that
sometimes it's important to design the last 10% of a feature too
(and usually this last 10% requires one or two times more
thinking than the precedent 90% and sometimes it adds twice the
complexity). That's why I think it's important to have the
pre-state ("old") in D contract programming, to support well
comparison operators in D SIMD and D vector ops, to have means to
attach compile-time semantics to UDAs that the compile enforces,
to have a bit more refined built-in unittests with names too, to
have a more complete design for shared, etc.
This paper shows a simple looking SIMD syntax and semantics for
C++ that could be useful to complete the design of the D SIMD.
Some superficial syntax:
int varying (4) a = {0, 1, 2, 3};
int varying (4) b = {2, 4, 8, 10};
int varying (4) c = a + b; // 2, 5, 10 , 13
int varying(4) v = {0, 8, 7, 1};
if (v < 3) v += 2;
else v -= 3;
Now v contains [2, 5, 4, 3].
short varying (4) s;
int varying (4) i;
s + i; // s is converted to int varying (4)
// standard C pointer
int uniform * uniform a;
// vectorial pointer to scalar int
int uniform * varying (4) b;
// scalar pointer to vectorial int
int varying (4)* uniform c;
// vectorial pointer to vectorial int
int varying (4)* varying (4) d;
Template parametrized on the SIMD vector length:
template <int L>
struct Vec3 {
simd (L) Vec3(float varying (L)xx,
float varying (L)yy,
float varying (L)zz)
simd (L)Vec3<L>operator+(Vec3<L>v) {
result.x = x + v.x;
result.y = y + v.y;
result.z = z + v.z;
return result;
float varying (L)x,y,z;
The section 3.2, is about "SIMD Mode", this type system semantics
is missing in D and perhaps it is worth thinking about (and later
If a control-flow-dependent expression is a vector of length L
instead of a scalar, Sierra enters a special mode: the SIMD mode.
All parts of the program depending on that expression are
evaluated in that mode. At runtime each program point must know
which lanes are active. Therefore, Sierra maintains a value of
type bool varying(L) which we call current mask. The programmer
has read access to this value via the current_mask keyword. We
call L the current vector length. As vector lengths must be
specified at compile time, the current vector length is
statically known. Sierra’s semantic analysis keeps track of this
information. If this length is 1, we say the program is in scalar
mode. Usual C++ semantics apply in scalar mode.<
The following statements will trigger SIMD mode of length L for S
if Ev is a vector of length L:
if (Ev) S [else S]
- switch (Ev) S
- for (Si; Ev; E) S
- while (Ev) S
- do S while (Ev);
Additionally, short-circuit evaluation might trigger SIMD mode of
length L for E if Ev is a vector of length L:
- Ev && E and E && Ev
- Ev || E and E || Ev
- Ev ? E : E
If the type of Ev is a vector of length L, the program must
either be in scalar mode or in SIMD mode of length L. Nesting of
SIMD modes with different vector lengths is forbidden. However,
scalar control flow is always allowed. In SIMD mode, Sierra
vectorizes control flow. The statements break, continue, case and
return can be used in SIMD mode. But currently, Sierra does
neither allow goto nor labels in SIMD mode.
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