Shammah Chancellor
anonymous at
Fri Mar 7 03:44:57 PST 2014
On 2014-03-06 16:48:44 +0000, Steve Teale said:
> On Monday, 24 February 2014 at 08:41:06 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:
>> 25 years ago, when I was trying to write some sort of library to go
>> with Walter's C++ compiler, I had a wish, and it still pops into my
>> head from time to time.
>> What I wanted was functions that were declared in a base class as
>> 'cumulative', or something similar. They would have been generally like
>> virtual functions, except that any derived class that wanted to do
>> something extra - as opposed to something different, would simply
>> define an 'extend', and just specify the extra code. The compiler would
>> then automatically add a call to the same function in whatever base
>> class last defined or extended the method.
>> OK, I'm back to this because I have done quite a bit of work trying to
>> get to what I wanted. I have converted my app so that it conforms
>> roughly to the above, as a test.
> I've also noticed from the responses, and from responses to associated
> questions, that OOP has become almost a dirty word in the D community.
> It's old fashioned and slow. So if you're in that camp, you can stop
> reading now.
> I need to handle signals of some sort - let's say just represented by an int.
> In my base class I define a method final void handleSignal(int), to
> which all signals are directed. In the same place there's a virtual
> function bool signalHandler(int).
> The base class also has a data member bool delegate(int)[] handlers.
> In classes Base, Intermediate, and Leaf, say, the constructor has a statement:
> handlers ~= &Base.signalHandler;
> handlers ~= &Intermediate.signalHandler;
> handlers ~= &Leaf.signalHandler;
> The final handleSignal() method in the base class just traverses the
> array, calling each delegate in turn until one returns true, and then
> throws an exception or something if none of them do.
> This works nicely. A lot of duplicate code in my original handler
> functions is eliminated. Any particular leaf class just has to cover
> the cases peculiar to it's own requirements. Intermediate classes just
> deal with their generic cases, and the base class handles all the
> signals that all leaves require.
> The compiler doesn't help to ensure that the 'handlers ~=' bit is
> present in all constructors, so I thought I would be clever, and
> provide some mixin template or template function that all the
> constructors in the hierarchy used, so that it was a fairly simple
> thing to insist on, even if only by example.
> But I have been frustrated in this desire. A member function like
> final void doMyThing(string CLASSNAME)()
> {
> handlers ~= mixin("&"~CLASSNAME~".signalHandler;");
> }
> defined in the base class does not work, because the compiler complains
> about the type of the this pointer being Base, despite the fact that I
> am being explicit about the class name.
> Attempts from other directions like calling back down the super() chain
> don't work because I can't have anything but declarations in a mixin
> template, and a super() call inside a template function called by the
> constructor fails because the call is not in a constructor.
> Anyone have any bright ideas about how this could be regulated? I can't
> say forced, because I think the compiler would have to do that.
> Steve
I understand what you want to do, I'm just not sure I understand the
use-case. However, you may be interested in this code for some ideas
for possible alternatives:
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