
Steve Teale steve.teale at
Tue Mar 11 11:20:37 PDT 2014

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 18:01:23 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> The buck does stop with Walter and Andrei. What you're seeing 
> is community discussion, which informs their ultimate 
> decisions. Are you saying that people shouldn't be discussing 
> language decisions and that it should just be left to a couple 
> of people?
> Also, of course Walter can decide not to do something due to 
> community pressure. He has the ultimate say, it's his language, 
> but that doesn't mean he shouldn't listen.

I'm probably thinking more of some organization where if a 
discussion went off scale, something would happen, like a vote on 
the 3 main protagonists.

If those 3 were not willing or able to get together and come up 
with a compromise, then the status quo should prevail until W/A 
decide otherwise.

Lacking some compromise of that sort, D just becomes Balkanized. 
It did, and it recovered, but I think it sets things back.


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