Paulo Pinto
pjmlp at
Wed Mar 12 04:59:44 PDT 2014
On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 11:40:39 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On 12 March 2014 20:40, monarch_dodra <monarchdodra at>
> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 03:05:00 UTC, Manu wrote:
>>> I'm really trying to keep my lid on here...
>>> I'll just remind that in regard to this particular point
>>> which sounds
>>> reasonable, it's easy to forgot that *all library code where
>>> the author
>>> didn't care* is now unusable by anybody who does. The
>>> converse would not
>>> be
>>> true if the situation was reversed.
>>> virtual-by-default is incompatible with optimisation, and
>>> it's reliable to
>>> assume that anybody who doesn't explicitly care about this
>>> will stick with
>>> the default, which means many potentially useful libraries
>>> may be
>>> eliminated for use by many customers.
>>> Also, as discussed at length, revoking virtual from a
>>> function is a
>>> breaking change, adding virtual is not. Which means that,
>>> instead of
>>> making
>>> a controlled breaking change with a clear migration path here
>>> and now, we
>>> are committing every single instance of any user's intent to
>>> 'optimise'
>>> their libraries (by finalising unnecessarily virtuals) to
>>> breaking changes
>>> in their ABI - which *will* occur, since virtual is the
>>> default.
>>> According to semantic versioning, this requires bumping the
>>> major version
>>> number... that's horrible!
>>> What's better; implementing a controlled deprecation path
>>> now, or leaving
>>> it up to any project that ever uses the 'class' keyword to
>>> eventually
>>> confront breaking changes in their API when they encounter a
>>> performance
>>> oriented customer?
>> Case in point:
>> "mark classes as final"
>> Long story short: MartinNowak decided to make the Zip classes
>> final, since
>> it made no sense to have any of the functions virtual, or to
>> have anybody
>> derive from them anyways.
>> 36524041
>> Comment from Dav1dde:
>> "Just to let you know, it broke my code"
> Thank you.
> There you go, it's not even hypothetical.
It can also happen the other way if I mark a method virtual that
used to be final, which was overloaded in a subclass, right?
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