Recent discussion about discussions

bossfong bossfong at
Thu Mar 13 11:29:03 PDT 2014

On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 20:27:42 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 03/12/2014 07:11 PM, bossfong wrote:
>> As a "new kid", I'm really baffled by by how much discussion 
>> in the
>> developers scene is done in mailing lists.
>> I strongly believe that mailing-lists are not suited for heated
>> discussions on very specific issues.
> I happen to know that they are suited quite well, so please 
> substantiate.

Having used more "modern" software extensively, mailing-lists 
just don't feel right to me personally, but thats just me and no 
For actual arguments see my earlier reply.
Newcomer-friendliness is a big one.

>> I even belive it's
>> counter-productive when comparing the discussion flow with 
>> modern forum
>> software.
> I don't understand. A comparison of paces will not change the 
> direction of progress.

In heated discussions people sometimes get "enraged", which leads 
to misquouting for example.

>> By modern forum software I mean discussion centric software 
>> like disqus[1].
>> ...
> Note that at this point I don't know what 'discussion centric' 
> means, except that it sounds 'modern'.

It does sound modern to me too and I don't actually know if that 
is somehow defined. Here is what I mean by it:
Discussions often evolve and change topics, still they stay in 
something called a "thread". Having replies coupled more loosely 
and maybe being able to "redefine" the current topic would be 
nice or otherwise split discussions, which (as appears to me) 
happens not often enough.

>> My appeal is it to switch to a more modern forum software
> Well, all content is available from the server.

I'm not sure what that means.

>> (even though I
>> value really much, that the current webforum is implemented in 
>> D).
>> ...
> This is the only actual (if weak) argument presented, and it 
> goes against your suggestion. Are there others?

see above.

>> Is there anything specific holding us back?
>> [1]
> I've read more of that than I wanted, and I am not smarter now. 
> The entire page appears to be a sales pitch devoid of content 
> relevant to our case.

I apologize, since the last time I have taken a proper look at 
their website it seems to have turned into a mess.

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