Recent discussion about discussions

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Thu Mar 13 11:39:45 PDT 2014

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:31:44 -0400, bossfong <bossfong at> wrote:

> On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 12:34:10 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> You can use NNTP and a competent newsreader, I suggest opera mail.
> Having to install a new program on my computer just to read D news is  
> not really an option to me and possibly many newcomers.

I'm not suggesting you do, what I'm saying is, the mailing-list interface  
is not the only non-web one, and it's a very good interface. What my quote  
was in reply to was when you said "I'm really baffled by by [sic] how much  
discussion in the developers scene is done in mailing lists." NNTP is most  
definitely not a mailing list (and in fact, it was NNTP before it was a  

In any case, I don't have a problem with D forums providing web access,  
just as long as it doesn't remove my NNTP interface.

>> The only thing extra it provides is voting. We could potentially add  
>> voting to the forum software, but I won't use it, since I use NNTP.
> That would be great, but as you said, people like you won't be able to  
> see it, which somewhat defeats its purpose.

Why? If I don't care who votes for what, why should that make any  
difference to someone who does care and uses the web interface?

Note that I use the web interface from time to time for posting links to  
old discussions and for reading old discussions others have posted.


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