TLBB: The Last Big Breakage

Andrea noneof at
Mon Mar 17 00:57:09 PDT 2014

On Sunday, 16 March 2014 at 15:05:45 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 3/16/14, Andrea <noneof at> wrote:
>> In the
>> short term the current "broken" code will still work without
>> having to be rewritten.
> You'll end up in the same situation as Python 3. Most people 
> will not
> only keep existing code, but continue to write *more of it*. By 
> the
> time the "compatibility profile" is removed, it's going to 
> become 100x
> harder to change all of that code, which means nobody will do 
> it.

I was kind of expecting that argument. And yes, I do agree with 

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