Appropriateness of posts

deadalnix deadalnix at
Mon Mar 17 13:48:52 PDT 2014

On Monday, 17 March 2014 at 18:18:34 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
> On Monday, 17 March 2014 at 18:09:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 3/17/2014 3:45 AM, sclytrack wrote:
>>>    Seems like Walter wants it seriously
>>>    professional. No joking around about D.
>> Jokes are fine. I post plenty myself. Jokes are fine in a 
>> professional work environment. Inappropriate jokes are not. 
>> This shouldn't be a mystery.
> Appropriateness of a joke is purely defined by a culture and is 
> completely subjective. It is perfectly fine to define your own 
> rules on your forum. Trying to appeal to some common morale as 
> a basis for that is not.

Had a discussion with my Polish roomate recently about that. If 
we talked to people in the US just like we would have done in 
French or Polish, people would find it completely unacceptable. 
And Dutch are much worse (or better, depending how you see it).

This is cultural.

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