protocol for using InputRanges
Rainer Schuetze
r.sagitario at
Wed Mar 26 23:53:28 PDT 2014
On 27.03.2014 03:48, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 3/26/2014 7:19 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> if(!r.empty)
>> {
>> auto r2 = map!(x => x * 2)(r);
>> do
>> {
>> auto x = r2.front;
>> ...
>> } while(!r2.empty);
>> }
>> Should we be required to re-verify that r2 is not empty before using
>> it? It
>> clearly is not, and would be an artificial requirement (one that map
>> likely
>> would not enforce!).
>> This sounds so much like a convention that simply won't be followed,
>> and the
>> result will be perfectly valid code.
> The idea is that there are three functions: empty, front, and popFront.
> The functionality of the range will be distributed between these 3
> functions. Different things being ranged over will naturally split their
> operations into the 3 functions in different ways.
> If the 3 functions can be called in any order, then extra logic has to
> be added to them to signal to each other. This slows things down.
> To write generic code calling ranges, it's necessary to stop assuming
> what is happening under the hood of empty, front, and popFront, and
> stick to the protocol.
IIUC what you are proposing would be covered better by removing front
and return the value by popFront.
Instead of forcing strong, breaking and sometimes unintuitive semantics
we could also improve dmd's optimizer. This caching range example:
T getc(T)();
struct irange(T)
bool _cached;
T _cache;
this(T[] arr) { _cached = false; }
bool empty() {
if(_cached) return false;
_cache = getc!T();
return (_cache < 0);
T front() { empty(); return _cache; }
void popFront() { _cached = false; }
int foo(irange!int rg)
int sum = 0;
sum += rg.front;
return sum;
generates this code with "dmd2.065 -O -inline -release -noboundscheck -m64":
0000: push rbp
0001: mov rbp,rsp
0004: push rax
0005: push rsi
0006: mov qword ptr [rbp+10h],rcx
000A: xor esi,esi
000C: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
0010: sub rsp,20h
0014: call _D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
0019: add rsp,20h
001D: xor al,1
001F: je 0050
0021: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
0025: sub rsp,20h
0029: call _D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
002E: add rsp,20h
0032: mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+14h]
0035: add esi,eax
0037: mov byte ptr [rbp+10h],0
003B: lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
003F: sub rsp,20h
0043: call _D7irange213__T6irangeTiZ6irange5emptyMFZb
0048: add rsp,20h
004C: xor al,1
004E: jne 0021
0050: mov eax,esi
0052: pop rsi
0053: lea rsp,[rbp]
0057: pop rbp
0058: ret
0000: push rbp
0001: mov rbp,rsp
0004: mov qword ptr [rbp+10h],rcx
0008: cmp byte ptr [rcx],0
000B: je 0011
000D: xor eax,eax
000F: pop rbp
0010: ret
0011: sub rsp,20h
0015: call _D7irange211__T4getcTiZ4getcFZi
001A: add rsp,20h
001E: mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+10h]
0022: mov dword ptr [rcx+4],eax
0025: shr eax,1Fh
0028: mov byte ptr [rcx],al
002A: xor al,1
002C: pop rbp
002D: ret
and this with gdc (-O2 on
mov rax, rdi
push rbx
xor ebx, ebx
shr rax, 32
test dil, dil
je .L5
add ebx, eax
call int example.getc!(int).getc()
test eax, eax
js .L2
mov eax, ebx
pop rbx
All traces of the caching but the initial state check have been removed,
no extra calls.
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