More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue May 6 11:55:45 PDT 2014

On 2014-05-06 08:39, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
's at least one DIP which received little attention afaict, it's
> an example of something that I think would probably manifest into code
> in an experimental space, but clearly couldn't be accepted as a
> language feature without lots of field time.
> In lieu of an experimental space, there will be no action.
> It's an interesting example actually. I think lots feel the DIP isn't
> really an effective solution, but nobody has the motivation or ideas
> to refine it. The DIP author clearly has no motivation to test it
> experimentally, but perhaps that's what it needs to progress?

Implementing AST macros is probably quite a big investment in time. I'm 
currently working on other things but I will probably give it a try at 
some point.

> What happened to std.serislisation? There was motion there a year or
> so back... I was looking forward to it, and did some minor reviewing
> at the time. I wonder if that's an interesting case study? (I haven't
> looked)

To be honest, I got board and started to work on D/Objective-C instead, 
which I know you have interest in as well. But when that is done I will 
come back to std.serialization. If not sooner, I have a short attention 
span sometimes ;)

> Perhaps you misunderstood the point of my post. I've watched people
> make solid contributions that haven't gotten through. That is
> discouraging to others considering starting their own work, and for
> the person who has already put in the effort to continue to do so in
> the future.
> The Obj-C thing as an example. Granted, it's a huge feature and has
> extensive implications. The Authors have said themselves that they
> agree it's not 'ready' for inclusion... so, what? It sits and rots?

No, I'm working on it to making it ready. Feature wise I think it's 
complete. Or rather good enough for inclusion. It supports for more 
features than extern(C++) did when it was added.

/Jacob Carlborg

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