No VisualStudio project for phobos?

Manu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu May 8 08:23:26 PDT 2014

On 9 May 2014 00:27, Manu <turkeyman at> wrote:
> On 8 May 2014 23:58, Orvid King via Digitalmars-d
> <digitalmars-d at> wrote:
>> It would mean that a VisualD project for druntime, as well as a
>> VisualC++ project for zlib, would be required. The issue I see is that
>> while I know that Mono-D can open VisualD project files, as well as
>> dub projects, and mono-d project files, I don't know if it can open
>> VisualC++ project files, which would be required in order to build.
>> I'm fairly certain that it can't build VisualC++ project files from a
>> version of VS older than 2010, due to the fact that 2010 is the first
>> version where VisualC++ projects were proper MSBuild project files.
> I'm fairly sure MonoDevelop can't open .vcxproj files. They have their
> own .cproj format for C/C++.
> But either way, the project is for Visual Studio. Surely the DMD VS
> projects don't work in MonoDevelop either? I just wanted to see parity
> with the DMD project files.
> What do the DMD devs who use VS do when working on phobos?
> Like, 9 out of 10 times I think I might do some work on phobos, I
> remember there's no project files and go and do something else.

  $(ZLIB) $(DRUNTIMELIB) win32.mak win64.mak
  $(DMD) -lib -of$(LIB) -Xfphobos.json $(DFLAGS) $(SRC_TO_COMPILE) \

Trying to understand this bit... why is $(ZLIB) $(DRUNTIMELIB)
provided to the compiler? It's building the phobos lib right, not
linking anything?

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