"hijackable"/"customizable" keyword for solving the "customized algorithm" issue?
Ary Borenszweig via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu May 15 03:54:25 PDT 2014
On 5/14/14, 3:05 PM, monarch_dodra wrote:
> A little while ago, Steven Schveighoffer started a thread called "D UFCS
> anti-pattern". The conversation started in regards to "how can a generic
> algorithm be replaced by a custom type". In particular (in my original
> use case) "retro"
> The issue just came up again in ".learn" for ".find". It comes up
> regularly with ".put".
> To put it simply, the problem is "given the function std.foo, how can I
> implement myObject.foo, and make sure that that is called when we call
> foo?"
That's the big problem with UFCS.
If you were forced to always use UFCS then this wouldn't be a problem:
if the type at question provides a more specific implementation *that
matches the arguments' types*, the compiler takes it. Otherwise, it
checks for free functions that have that type as a first argument and
the rest of the arguments.
But once you have an option to invoke it as a free function you loose.
The "U" of UFCS means "uniform", so in my opinion when you do:
foo(x, y);
then the compiler must first check if the type of "x" defines "foo(y)".
If so, then it invokes that specialized version. If not, it must check
if "foo(x, y)" exists somewhere else.
If you do:
the compiler would do exactly the same.
This is uniformity: either way I invoke a function, the compiler's logic
is the same.
But if you can write a "same thing" in two different ways but behave
differently, that's looking for trouble.
If you don't want the compiler to convert foo(x, y) to x.foo(y), then
use a qualified name:
bar.baz.foo(x, y);
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