New opportunities for D => ASM.js

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri May 16 13:03:19 PDT 2014

On Friday, 16 May 2014 at 19:54:00 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> All of that is just as easily solvable without a web browser 
> and HTML/CSS/JS. The browser and HTML/etc are completely 
> incidental to the way those were solved.
> We could've had all that by now if so much effort hadn't been 
> wasted on HTML/etc.

Yes, but today you have the option to build your own framework on 
top of WebGL. That basically just leaves the browser as a shell 
if you want to.

> imaginable. HTML5 is a rancid burger with half a dog turd on 
> it. Adobe Flex/Flash/whatever is just simply a big bowl of 
> diarrhea.

Hehe. But you now have this thing called shadow DOM, so you can 
define your own HTML5 elements with behaviour. You will probably 
see UI kits for that within 1-2 years. (IE9 is holding back 

CSS selectors have also turned out to be quite good and well 
supported these days. You can do a lot of stuff with those.

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