DFL is really cool,Who can contact Christopher E. Miller?

Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun May 18 10:50:46 PDT 2014

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 03:58:15 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
> 1.DFL's Memory Usage is the least than other. winsamp.exe is
> 2.1M,DFL's example's exe is 2.7M.
> 2.The size of DFL's example's exe files is the least than other,
> and only a single file.
> 3.DFL's source code is the most easy to understand.
> D need Christopher E. Miller.

> Why not put it in github.com?

> And put it in code.dlang.org.

> When Compile the X64,then error:

> You will put it in code.dlang.org and github.com?

> DGui is very cool,the exe's size is a half of DFL's,and it's 
> easy to learn.
> If It will be used on Linux ,Mac Os X,it will be the coolist of 
> all gui libs.

> And there are some controls are not implement,such as 
> imageButton,GridView,DateTimePick,Socket,DataControl.....
> Thank you.

FrankLike, please stop asking others to create full GUI 
frameworks for you. DFL and DGui are both Windows ONLY and always 
will be. They are written using the Win32 API which can only be 
used on windows (or an emulation layer).

Take a look at the source code of either library and improve it 
yourself without trying to push it on to others. Fully 
cross-platform GUI toolkits are very, very hard to create. That's 
why Gtk-D and Tkd exist, to use the years of hard work others 
have done. Once you see the amount of work necessary to create 
such GUI libraries you will use Gtk-D or Tkd instead. Also stop 
whining about memory usage of GUI applications. 3-4Mb is nothing 
for such an app.

Yes it would be nice to have a cross-platform GUI toolkit written 
in D using all the native API's on each platform but that isn't 
going to happen anytime soon. Pushing others to do the work is 
going to be counter productive. Why not start the effort yourself 
and invite others to join you once progress is made?

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