std.utf.decode @nogc please

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Oct 4 04:24:52 PDT 2014

On Friday, 3 October 2014 at 19:51:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> On 10/3/14, 11:35 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>> 01-Oct-2014 14:10, Robert burner Schadek пишет:
>>> lately when working on std.string I run into problems making 
>>> stuff nogc
>>> as std.utf.decode is not nogc.
>> Trivial to do. But before that somebody got to make  one of:
>> a) A policy on reuse of exceptions. Literally we have easy TLS 
>> why not
>> put 1 copy of each possible exception there? (**ck the 
>> chaining, who
>> need it anyway?)
>> b) Make all exceptions ref-counted.
>> The benefit of A is that "creating" exceptions becomes MUCH 
>> faster.
> This seems to be going in circles. Didn't we just agree we 
> solve this by making exceptions reference counted? Please 
> advise. -- Andrei

Depends on who "we" is. There was a large discussion with several 
alternative suggestions and no clear conclusion.

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