What are the worst parts of D?

Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Oct 9 05:14:38 PDT 2014

> Debugging, ldc (for windows), and editor integrations (auto 
> complete,
> navigation, refactoring tools) are my impersonal (and hopefully
> non-controversial) short list. They trump everything else I've

I don't know how well DCD works with other editors, but in Emacs 
at least (when DCD doesn't throw an exception, I need to chase 
those down), autocomplete and code navigation just work. 
_Including_ dub dependencies.

> The debugging experience is the worst of any language I've used 
> since the
> 90's, and I would make that top priority.

Debugging can definitely be improved on. Even with Iain's fork of 
gdb I end up using writeln instead because it's frequently easier.


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