Make const, immutable, inout, and shared illegal as function attributes on the left-hand side of a function

bearophile via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Oct 11 15:41:50 PDT 2014

Jonathan M Davis:

> and it's primarily been Walter who hasn't wanted it on the
> grounds that it's more consistent as it is

Consistency is a good thing to have, but if adhering to it causes 
bugs and troubles, and if the symmetry breakage causes readable 
compile-time errors, then it's often a good idea to do it. D 
language contains plenty of situations where this happens (and 
arguably few more cases should be added, like the sbyte/ubyte 
pair of names breaking the consistency of name/uname naming 
scheme for the other integral types, to avoid people think all 
the time that a byte is unsigned).


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