RFC: std.concepts
Shammah Chancellor via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Oct 19 14:10:12 PDT 2014
It was request that I create a NG thread about a module I was hoping to
merge with phobos. (std.concepts) Please take a look.
Thanks in advance.
Link to PR:
bool isConcept(T, C, bool diagnostics = false, string errorPrefix = "")();
Returns true if T supports the concept C. Note, templated member
functions are not supported currently.
Concepts should be defined as in the following example:
class CInputRange(E) : Concept
abstract void popFront();
@property abstract E front();
bool empty;
//Optional axioms function. This will be checked if it compiles, and
that it returns true if it does.
static bool axioms(T)()
return true;
class CInfinite() : Concept
static bool axioms(T)() {
enum empty = T.empty;
return !empty;
class CInfiniteInputRange(E) : CInputRange!E
mixin CInfinite;
template conceptDiagnostic(R, string F, int L, C...)
Prints error messages for why template instantiation failed.
bool DoStuff(R)(R infRange) if ( isConcept!(R, CInfiniteInputRange!string))
return true;
bool DoStuff(R)(R infRange) if ( isConcept!(R, COutputRange!string))
return true;
//Example of using conceptDiagnostic
bool DoStuff(R, string F = __FILE__, size_t L = __LINE__ )(R infRange)
mixin conceptDiagnostic!(R, F, L, COutputRange!string,
return false;
class Concept;
Base class for Concepts. All Concepts should derive from this, or
another concept.
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