C++ to D

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Apr 1 03:24:11 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 20:37:37 UTC, Jeff Jones wrote:
> Is it possible to modify either a C++ compiler or in code to 
> make classes more D ish? e.g., instead of just the 
> vtable(which, IIRC is slightly different between the two) add 
> the metadata pointer and whatever else?
> What I'm getting at, is there a somewhat simple way(not 
> creating a new C++ but either through macros, small compiler 
> changes, or whatever) to make C++ objects D compatible instead 
> of the other way?
> I.e., we can't take anything away from D classes since we will 
> break D. But we should be able to add to C++ classes without 
> breaking C++. If we can add the info that D needs then both 
> should get along happily? I'm mainly talking about a simple 
> code based solution but I'm also curious about how easily this 
> would be by compiler modification.

As far as I understand, the memory layout is already compatible. 
The problematic part seems to be construction. I'd say it's 
difficult to change anything about that on the C++ side, but I'll 
let others answer who are more familiar with the inner workings 
of the compiler.

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