semi OT: Android -> chrome native client in the browser

Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Apr 2 05:40:12 PDT 2015


I am sure most of you saw this:

Relates to the Google native client technology which caught 
attention a while back (not all of it favourable - 'I thought we 
put a stake through the Active-X vampire, and yet it returns') 
but seems to have gone quiet, although in meantime as I 
understand it chrome store apps can be written in C, C++, etc.  
It's just that nobody uses the chrome store.

There are potentially some benefits for light enterprise 
applications (particularly from third party vendors) through not 
having to go through the barrier of getting the user to receive 
IT approval for the application, have them get around to 
installing it, reinstall when the first time didn't work etc.  
But the shine off that is taken away by the presentation problem 
of having your app show up in the same context as some game for 

 From a D perspective, native client seemed lots of work for 
little tangible benefit, since it depends on a heavily modified 
compiler toolchain.  (It uses a restricted instruction set, a 
little more restricted than originally as holes were found).

The idea of being able to have your application run as native 
code for speed and not have to work in two languages is appealing 

So perhaps keeping an eye on the new development that allows any 
Android app to be run on Chrome OS, Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux 
(via a conversion tool called ARC Welder).

As I understand it, DMD works more or less with Android/x86 (so 
presumably this tool might be able to convert DMD applications to 
native client so they run in the browser).  When we have android 
support for ARM, I guess it is feasible to write D apps that run 
in a browser on ARM phones/tablets.

I have zero experience with ARM and Android development, so I may 
be missing something.  I will take Adam's advice on trying things 
and give it a try if I get time.


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