Making regex replace CTFE by removing malloc

Pierre Krafft via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Apr 2 10:14:24 PDT 2015

We have CTFE regex wich creates an optimized regex engine at 
compile time. I would want to expand on that and make the 
generated machine CTFE as well. I think the only thing that is 
stopping this from working is the use of malloc as seen at
What can replace malloc that can run on compile time and won't 
make it slower at run time?

Here is an example of what I would want to work:

unittest {
     enum hello_world = camelCaseToUnderscore("helloWorld");
     assertEqual(hello_world, "hello_world");

private string camelCaseToUnderscore(string input){
     import std.regex;
     auto ctr = ctRegex!(`([a-z])([A-Z])`);
     auto replaceString = "$1_$2";
     return replaceAll(input, ctr, replaceString).toLower();

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