Mid-term vision review
Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Apr 5 19:11:07 PDT 2015
"Benjamin Thaut" wrote in message
news:nkhhmscwnjcrdbihkcsd at forum.dlang.org...
> > Daniel, any thoughts? Can we help with tooling? -- Andrei
> Shouldn't it be possible to tag the last C++ version of dmd? Then rebase
> the pull-reuqest on top of that and run it through the C++ to D conversion
> tool. Afterwards the output of the tool could be used to do a diff against
> the first D version of dmd (tagged again). This diff could then be used as
> a starting point for a new pull request. This will obviously not be
> perfect and might require some additional manual merging but at least
> people with larger pull requests (like me) don't have to redo the entire
> thing. A page with instructions how to do this conversion should be
> enough. Main points in question beeing, where to get the conversion tool
> and how to use it.
Yes, exactly. If I get my way, the conversion tool will be put into the dmd
repository for a while, and it should be possible to automatically upgrade a
pull request with rebase+convert+rebase. This method will be properly
documented and advertised before the switch is made.
Conflicts will still need to be resolved manually, of course, and some
converter config data may need to be updated manually.
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