Why I'm Excited about D

cym13 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Apr 7 01:47:58 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 at 01:12:20 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> The thing I liked, coming from languages like R and Ruby, was 
> that I could write D code in the most convenient, least 
> efficient manner possible and still get good enough performance 
> that it wouldn't matter. I find D to be easier to write than 
> any scripting language. When I write D I always have to remind 
> myself that I can just write, without concern for efficiency. 
> And in the few cases that performance is critical I know I can 
> do as well as C.

This! This is really the thing I like about D overall! I used to 
prototype in python and either rewrite part of it in C (process 
involving lots of latent rage for missing common features) or 
give up on performance (which, honestly, was most of the time a 
good answer).

In D I feel like I don't have this tradeoff. I start prototyping 
in D putting auto everywhere and not anotating anything and when 
the prototype works I just start cleaning the code, annotating 
it, etc.... The fact that where I used two languages I can now 
use only one is what convinced me (even if, to be fair, the 
prototyping part is way much easier in python... But that may be 
due to the gab of experience).

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