Wanted: Review manager for std.data.json

Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Apr 9 14:55:13 PDT 2015

These are my results (a little bit flaky timings because it's a tablet 
PC which seems to throttle the turbo boost to not exceed the TDP):

std.json (DMD): 27.7
std.json (LDC): 72.4
stdx.data.json DOM (DMD): 8.2
stdx.data.json DOM (LDC): 3.96
stdx.data.json PULL (DMD): 2.96
stdx.data.json PULL (LDC): 1.61
RapidJSON: 1.21

I'd say these start to look good enough for a first fitness test.

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