D AutoCompletion: is ycmd integration valuable?

Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Apr 15 07:05:32 PDT 2015

On 4/15/15 9:15 AM, rcorre wrote:
> For those who don't know, ycmd (https://github.com/Valloric/ycmd) is an
> editor-agnostic completion engine that aims to reduce a lot of the
> duplicate code written for handling autocompletions in different
> language/editor combinations.
> A long time ago, there was a request to get D support integrated into ycmd:
> https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe/issues/521
> It was closed as DCD was not 'stable' at the time. After DCD became
> 'stable', it seemed there was nobody available to put together the ycmd
> integration.
> Do people think there would be value in reviving this effort?
> I was playing around with integrating D completion into YCMD, but I'm
> getting to the point where it is becoming non-trivial.
> I'm mainly interested in autocompletion in Vim, which already works
> reasonably well with Dutyl (a plugin that, among other things, helps set
> up vim's omnifunc to use DCD).
> Would it be worthwhile to try to move D completion forward by
> integrating DCD with ycmd, or is it just better to keep working on
> existing editor-specific solutions like Dutyl?

I tried a while ago to setup DCD to be used in vim, with no success 
(even having Brian's ear at dconf to look at the issues, but he's not a 
vim guy).

IMO, the most useful improvement would be to make an easy-install 
package for DCD so it works with whatever editor the install is for. 
What that uses in the background, I couldn't care less :) So if ycmd is 
it, go for it. Just make it so I can install it easy!


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