How about appender.put() with var args?

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Apr 15 13:40:03 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 19:41:13 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:
> Appender will take a range, so you can also do:
>   app.put(["foo", var, "bar"]);
> or
>   app.put(chain("foo", var, "bar"));
> But yes, a variadic put would be convenient so long as it wasn't
> ambiguous in some way.

I guess chain could work in some cases, and are not that bad on 
the aesthetic side, I supposed. However having to include 
std.range just for that, and more importantly, all parameters 
having to be the same type, as opposed to just being "appendable".

Creating an array inline is also not an option as I generally 
don't like to trade aesthetics <=> efficiency.

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