SDC needs you
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Wed Apr 15 21:05:18 PDT 2015
On 4/15/15 8:42 PM, Joakim wrote:
> On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 08:13:20 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> OK, do not expect SDC to compile your code yet, but it got to a point
>> where the base is fairly stable, and thing can get better. I compiled
>> a list of high impact items, ranging from relatively easy bug fixes,
>> to compiler guru level.
>> If some of you want to contribute, that'd be awesome. SDC can happen,
>> and you can be a part of this, so go cloning the repo now :)
> That's a nice list to get more people involved. I've been
> calling for Andrei/Walter to put up a similar list on the D wiki,
> with specific issues they think need dealing with or that would
> be pre-approved.
Forgive my being skeptical but my repeated appeals to contributions -
most of them important, urgent, and of high impact - sometimes labeled
with [WORK] in this forum, have been answered by the same very small
kernel of contributors (including Walter and myself), regardless of
their difficulty (sometimes trivial). Lists, labels, management
techniques that are touted in this forum every few months or so - no
avail. The vision document that everybody asked about? Read and
dutifully ignored - back to the next naming debate. The sad reality is
that if one of about a handful of core folks doesn't do it, it won't get
done. My resolution is to do more of everything; that way more of
everything will get done. -- Andrei
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