Is this a bug in return type inference?
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sun Apr 26 13:21:32 PDT 2015
On 04/26/2015 12:32 PM, Meta wrote:
> import std.random;
> auto test(int n)
> {
> if (n >= 0 && n < 33)
> {
> return int(0);
> }
> else if (n >= 33 && n < 66)
> {
> return float(0);
> }
> else
> {
> return real(0);
> }
> }
> void main()
> {
> auto n = uniform(0, 100);
> auto res = test(n);
> //Prints "float"
> pragma(msg, typeof(res));
> }
> I expected the result to be real. Why is the return type of test
> inferred as float instead? I would expect it to choose real, as both int
> and float can be converted to real without precision loss, but the
> opposite is not true. Is this a bug?
Yes, a bug for floating types only. It seems that not the common type
but the first type is used among floating point types. I wrote a short
program to prove it to myself:
import std.traits;
import std.typetuple;
import std.format;
auto foo(A, B)(int n)
if (n) {
return A(0);
} else {
return B(0);
void main()
alias types = TypeTuple!(float, double, real);
foreach (A; types) {
foreach (B; types) {
alias ReturnType = typeof(foo!(A, B)(0));
pragma(msg, format("%s %s -> %s%s",
A.stringof, B.stringof,
(is (ReturnType == CommonType!(A, B))
? ""
: " <-- BUG")));
float float -> float
float double -> float <-- BUG
float real -> float <-- BUG
double float -> double
double double -> double
double real -> double <-- BUG
real float -> real
real double -> real
real real -> real
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