ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller startup files

Timo Sintonen via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Apr 27 06:42:23 PDT 2015

On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 07:55:10 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

> Great, I tried to find out how GDC binaries are build, but 
> couldn't find any script.

Instructions here:
or here:

There are other instructions in
but I think there is no script

> How much stuff do you strip out of runtime for minilibd? It 
> still seems to contain fat typeinfo and moduleinfo. We'd 
> probably need the equivalent of -no-rtti and -fno-exceptions 
> and add -fno-moduleinfo.

It uses -no-moduleinfo but. The module related stuff in object.d 
has been removed but there may be some code elsewhere. I got 
exceptions to work but for smaller systems they should be made 

The basic idea has been to make as little changes as possible. I 
started by compiling object.d and then added files and modified 
them one by one until there were no compile or link errors. Then 
I added other files that could be compiled without errors. It is 
not guaranteed that all features work and the list of files have 
changed from version to version.

Required and optional files can be found in Makefile

Required changes to these files

A while ago someone turned this change list to a bugzilla issue 
14101, and there is also related issue 14100

> Maybe building a few different configurations of minilibd makes 
> sense.
> The ARM toolchain comes with a nano.spec to select newlib-nano 
> and size optimized libc++.

I have not yet needed libc in my work but of course we can have 
I repeat here that all libraries have to be built with the same 
compiler flags that the application. Otherwise hard to find bugs 
may occur.

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