ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller startup files
Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Wed Apr 29 08:11:26 PDT 2015
On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 at 03:11:05 UTC, Mike wrote:
> On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 12:13:38 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:
>> What ? -Are gmp, mpc and mpfr not required anymore ?
> I don't see why they should be required for this use case. I'm
> building a cross-compiler that will run on my Linux 64-bit
> host. Since I already have a native compiler for my host, I
> already have those libraries. Therefore, I just need to build
> the cross-compiler and link it to those libraries (At least,
> that's how I understand it). If I were to build a canadian
> cross-compiler, that would be different.
Alright. I just tried without those libraries and I get
build-errors, so they're still required.
(They're actually required at your end, too, but as you have them
installed, the installed libraries will be used).
I've been building and re-building the past few days; I still
haven't found out why my crti.o, libgcc.o and others are missing,
but I'm getting closer.
I've also improved my build-system slightly, so that it's almost
A number of variables plus the configure arguments are set up at
the beginning. After that, some helper-functions are set up, then
the sources are downloaded+depacked or just cloned (but only if
necessary). After this, they're patched and compressed (only
first time). Finally they're built in a clean build directory.
The build-system is fairly server-friendly; it allows you to set
up your own Web-server as a cache; you only need to set an
environment variable called DL_CACHE for this. It also tries to
shorten the build-time by only doing what's necessary (though I'm
building from scratch each time). At the end, the number of
hours, minutes and seconds is shown. Currently for my PowerMac G5
QuadCore/2.5GHz, it takes approximately 48 minutes
(binutils+GCC+newlib; a second GCC would take approximately 50
minutes extra).
... I'll try and make a paste later, when it's been polished
slightly. It's possible to run it line-by-line or as a script.
I've also made it as a .pdf file.
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