D for Game Development
Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Aug 8 23:36:58 PDT 2015
On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 05:18:33 UTC, rsw0x wrote:
> On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 02:41:00 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> ...
> This pretty much hit the nail on the head on why dmd needs
> deprecated.
> I'm tired of seeing 'BUT IT WORKS ON WINDOWS' as an excuse. I
> don't care if it works on windows, it produces code slower than
> interpreted lua. Exactly what use is that? It may as well not
> work on windows at all as far as release builds are concerned.
> dmd not being deprecated continues the cycle of gdc/ldc lagging
> versions behind and being understaffed in manpower.
I think another point to look at is how far gdc and ldc have come
while still having so few people working on them. Clearly they
are able to get more done faster because they can leverage the
work of the llvm and gcc devs. Seems silly that the majority of
our talent is focused on dmd when it is the slowest of the bunch.
D's "not made here" syndrome strikes again!
Also I really wish we had 1 main editor that was "THE" D editor.
Something that was officially maintained and packaged with the
rest of D. VisualD is cool, but not cross platform. monoD is
nice, but no windows debugging support. DDT is also nice, it says
it can do debugging in windows, but I was never been able to get
it to work. They all have problems. If I had to vote, I would
vote for monoD or DDT as they are both the closest to being
complete solutions. But one really needs to be the focus and
packaged with D, make it complete and let the others die.
D debugging is in a laughable state. It really sucks and it seems
to not be a concern at all by the core D people. That alone is a
huge problem. If only we could get a cross platform D debugger
that just worked and was officially maintained.
Again tooling is D's biggest problem.
Just my 2c
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