D for project in computational chemistry
Idan Arye via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Aug 16 06:59:31 PDT 2015
On Sunday, 16 August 2015 at 13:11:12 UTC, Yura wrote:
> Good afternoon, gentlemen,
> just want to describe my very limited experience. I have
> re-written about half of my Python code into D. I got it faster
> by 6 times. This is a good news.
> However, I was amazed by performance of D vs Python for
> following simple nested loops (see below). D was faster by 2
> order of magnitude!
> Bearing in mind that Python is really used in computational
> chemistry/bioinformatics, I am sure D can be a good option in
> this field. In the modern strategy for the computational
> software python is used as a glue language and the number
> crunching parts are usually written in Fortran or C/C++.
> Apparently, with D one language can be used to write the entire
> code. Please, also look at this article:
> http://www.worldcomp-proceedings.com/proc/p2012/PDP3426.pdf
> Also, I wander about the results of this internship:
> http://forum.dlang.org/post/laha9j$pc$1@digitalmars.com
> With kind regards,
> Yury
> Python:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import sys, string, os, glob, random
> from math import *
> a = 0
> l = 1000
> for i in range(l):
> for j in range(l):
> for m in range(l):
> a = a +i*i*0.7+j*j*0.8+m*m*0.9
> print a
> D:
> import std.stdio;
> // command line argument
> import std.getopt;
> import std.string;
> import std.array;
> import std.conv;
> import std.math;
> // main program starts here
> void main(string[] args) {
> int l = 1000;
> double a = 0;
> for (auto i=0;i<l;i++){
> for (auto j=0;j<l;j++) {
> for (auto m=0;m<l;m++) {
> a = a + i*i*0.7+j*j*0.8+m*m*0.9;
> }
> }
> }
> writeln(a);
> }
Initially I thought the Python version is so slow because it uses
`range` instead of `xrange`, but I tried them both and they both
take about the same, so I guess the Python JIT(or even
interpreter!) can optimize these allocations away.
BTW - if you want to iterate over a range of numbers in D, you
can use a foreach loop:
foreach (i; 0 .. l) {
foreach (j; 0 .. l) {
foreach (m; 0 .. l) {
a = a + i * i * 0.7 + j * j * 0.8 + m * m * 0.9;
Or, to make it look more like the Python version, you can iterate
over a range-returning function:
import std.range : iota;
foreach (i; iota(l)) {
foreach (j; iota(l)) {
foreach (m; iota(l)) {
a = a + i * i * 0.7 + j * j * 0.8 + m * m * 0.9;
There are also functions for building ranges from other ranges:
import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct;
import std.range : iota;
foreach (i, j, m; cartesianProduct(iota(l), iota(l),
iota(l))) {
a = a + i * i * 0.7 + j * j * 0.8 + m * m * 0.9;
Keep in mind though that using these functions, while making the
code more readable(to those with some experience in D, at least),
is bad for performance - for my first version I got about 5
seconds when building with DMD in debug mode, while for the last
version I get 13 seconds when building with LDC in release mode.
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