[OT] Sharp Regrets: Top 10 Worst C# Features
Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Aug 19 05:00:18 PDT 2015
On 08/19/2015 04:04 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 01:12:33AM +0000, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> I just saw this link come by my desktop and I thought it was an
>> interesting read because D does a lot of these things too, and avoids
>> some of them:
>> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2425867
>> I don't agree they are all mistakes, but it is a pretty quick and
>> interesting read.
> The point about the empty statement (#10) is interesting... never really
> thought about it before.
> #9 is something that D (almost) gets right: it's generally a bad idea to
> make <, <=, ==, >, >= individually overloadable (ahem, C++), 'cos it's a
> lot of redundant typing (lots of room for typos and bugs) and most
> combinations don't make sense anyway. D did the right thing by
> consolidating <, <=, >, >= into opCmp. However, D still differentiates
> between opCmp and opEquals, and if those two are inconsistent, strange
> things will happen. Andrei's argument is that we want to support general
> partial orders, not just linear orders, but IMO this falls in the "too
> much flexibility for only marginal benefit" trap.
What benefit can having separate opCmp and opEquals possibly have for
defining partial orders? (opCmp can do it on its own). Hasn't the idea
that x.opCmp(y)==0 should mean that x and y are not ordered been debunked?
> I mean, when was the
> last time you badly needed a partial order to be expressed by *built-in*
> comparison operators, as opposed to dedicated member functions? When
> people see <, <=, >, >= in your code, they generally expect the usual
> linear order of numerical types, not something else. This causes
> confusion and suffers from the same problems as using + for string
> concatenation.
> ...
The built-in numerical types are not all ordered linearly.
> #8: ah, the good ole controversial bitshift operators... esp. the still
> unresolved controversy surrounding the behaviour of >> vs. >>> (sorry,
> forgot the bug number, but it's in bugzilla). IMO, we should ditch
> these operators and use int intrinsics for the assembly instructions
> instead. What's the use of built-in operators that are only occasionally
> used in system code? Something like 1.shiftLeft(2) would work just fine
> in expressions, and simplify the lexer by having less token types.
> ...
(This is really not a simplification worth mentioning.)
> I'm not sure about making a separate type for ints-as-bits, though. That
> seems a bit extreme, and would almost imply that non-bitarray numbers
> would have to be BigInt by default.
> #7: did C# copy delegate literal syntax from D, or did D copy from C#?
> ...
D followed C# here. The two syntaxes are subtly different though.
(x,y)=>{ return x+y; } // valid D, valid C#, semantics vastly different
> ...
> #5: seems like just syntax nitpicking... though in the case of D, the
> current schizophrenic split between attributes on the left vs.
> attributes on the right is another example of needlessly convoluted
> syntax.
> ...
Type on the right makes it more natural to leave off the type. Consider
the confusion about what 'auto' actually means. It's even in the change
log, and probably made it into the documentation in some places. E.g.
"auto return type". 'auto' isn't a type.
> ...
> #2: argh... dtors / finalizers + GC == headache. In D, this is where you
> tread a veritable minefield of surprising behaviour, counterintuitive
> semantics, unexpected GC interactions, and compiler bugs. Especially
> when you start sticking dtors on structs, which are supposed to be
> freely-copyable int-like values, which breaks a lot of assumptions in
> generic template code and just cause general nuisance.
> #1: D doesn't suffer from this,
... anymore, it did in 2012 and in D1. (But there wasn't even a runtime
check, it was just a lack of type safety. There are still a few cases of
type system unsoundness even today.)
> thanks to classes being reference types
> by design.
Classes are reference types in C# as well.
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