Ruby 3.0 to have immutable strings by default / C++ heading towards "generic all the time".

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Aug 20 23:19:39 PDT 2015

On 8/21/2015 5:43 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 8/20/2015 7:50 PM, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>> And that we are doing it properly, first time. Props to you Walter for
>> being the
>> no-man!
> We've still made many mistakes. But C++ is a lot more trapped by the
> past than D is - such as the random size of 'int', the macro
> preprocessor, syntax, useless const, non-Unicode character sets,
> declaration ordering, friend declarations, Koenig lookup, etc. At least
> C++ finally let go of trigraphs, ugh.
> I'm still amazed by how even modern C++ code bases embed the trickiest,
> most bizarre uses of the preprocessor and then build their entire code
> structure around it.

Yeah I know we have. But unlike C++ with D2 we kinda solidified the idea 
of serious breaking changes every 5-10 years. Which is kinda important.
They don't do this.

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