This Week in D

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Dec 1 07:04:46 PST 2015

On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 09:47:05 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> A more condensed bi-weekly would look more interesting to 
> visitors.

I actually think weekly pull request reports and such aren't all 
that interesting at all, that's why I like to do the tips and try 
to summarize things that might influence the future direction of 

That's why, when I'm done talking about a thread, I usually give 
my opinion on where I think it is doing, like "it is unlikely 
anything will change as a result of this". We every so often try 
to publish roadmaps, but my experience has been that we get a 
better idea of where things are going by watching what topics 
come up more for discussion. And not just length of discussion or 
frequency of threads, but the attitude we see inside from a few 
key members.

....whoa, I just realized this is relevant to a proprietary 
project I'm working on.... weird that I didn't realize that until 

Anyway though, I've been on the forum for a lot of years and have 
seen where the language has been and just try to distill that 
into where it is going too.

The other big thing is that I want to talk about where it is 
*now* instead of just what's happening this week. That's why 
there's tips, project write-ups, interviews, etc.

TWID's audience includes visitors, but its core are already D 
users at varying levels of activity who don't necessarily know 
all these things but want to.

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