Microsoft to contribute to Clang and LLVM project

Suliman via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 10 07:56:01 PST 2015

On Thursday, 10 December 2015 at 15:25:16 UTC, Jack Stouffer 
> On Thursday, 10 December 2015 at 13:31:00 UTC, Suliman wrote:
>> So I hope Walter and Andrew will do steps like including vibed 
>> in DMD distributive
> Please no.
> Not everything has to be in Phobos; this just puts unnecessary 
> pressure on Phobos maintainers to work on vibe.d as well, and 
> it will slow down vibe.d development DRASTICALLY due to the 
> extra scrutiny for Phobos PRs. Not to mention that breaking 
> changes will no longer be able to happen with vibe.d. Also, 
> vibe.d seems to be doing just fine as it is.

You are right, but maybe at last to merge some common API?

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